Friday, April 23, 2010

Three Presentations in Two Days

The last couple of days have been full of presentations. I had a couple yesterday and one the day before that. It was a little difficult to find time to meet and practice the presentations, but we managed to get it done. We have a couple of homework assignments left and finals of course. We took one of our finals last Monday, so that leaves four to go. The next one is finance. The in-class portion of that test is next Wednesday. The take-home portion is supposed to be released some time this weekend.

The semester seems to have flown by. I can't believe we are a third of the way through the program already. It's been a really fun semester getting to know everyone. I'll reflect more on that once the semester is actually over.

After finals we'll have about a week break before we start our internships. In fact I have a meeting today with Walmart to discuss some of the projects I'll be working on this summer. I'll be working in their analytical research department as a project manager. It's a pretty unique department within Walmart, I expect the projects will be pretty interesting. The summer internships are very important. It's the one opportunity we have to work full-time and impress a possible employer. A lot of thought should be put into finding the right internship. It can make a huge impact on what happens after graduation.

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