Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Week to Relax

Last week I basically had a week off.  I started my internship this week and the week before last I had finals.  So I took advantage of my time off by visiting some local streams and lakes.  I also went to the movies to see Iron Man 2.  My family was also in town this past weekend so I got to see my nephews too.  It was a really nice week off.

Below is a picture of Lake Tenkiller.  It's located just north of Vian, OK.
Lake Tenkiller is advertised as the clearest lake in Oklahoma.  It is pretty clear.  It's a good thing I went up there early in the week, later in the week it got hit by some severe thunderstorms.

I also took some time out to go to one of my favorite spots in Arkansas, Natural Dam.
Natural Dam is about 30 minutes north of Van Buren, AR.  It's a nice place to go, you don't have to hike very far to get to some really nice spots.

Iron Man 2 is a good movie, but I think I like the first one better.  If you are a fan of Scarlett Johannson you won't be disappointed. 

To end the week my older brother, his wife, and their son came down for a visit.  They live in Baltimore so I only see them a few times a year.  My nephew is two and a half years old.  He looks a lot like my brother.
So that was pretty much my week of relaxing.  We did get quite a few thunderstorms throughout the week, but I took advantage of the nice weather when I could.

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